Aashka Goradia की न्यूड योगा फोटो ने इंटरनेट पर मचाई सनसनी, क्या आपने देखी

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Sat, 03 Aug 2019 2:46:25

Aashka Goradia की न्यूड योगा फोटो ने इंटरनेट पर मचाई सनसनी, क्या आपने देखी

बिग बॉस और टीवी सीरियल नागिन फेम एक्ट्रेस आशका गोराडिया (Aashka Goradia) सोशल मीडिया पर अपनी बोल्ड योगा तस्वीरों को लेकर अक्सर चर्चा में बनी रहती है। हाल में एक्ट्रेस ने एक नई फोटो शेयर की है इसमें वो टॉपलेस (Aashka Goradia Nude Yoga Photo) होकर शीर्षासन करती दिख रही हैं। तस्वीर सोशल मीडिया पर शेयर करते ही खूब वायरल हो रही है। आशका का ये नया योगासन न्यूड योगा गर्ल से इंस्पायर है।

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#Repost @nude_yogagirl ・・・ I’ve talked with the amazing @aashkagoradia about the sexualisation & objectification of women in India. I wanted to share her thoughts with you. ❤ ”A new paradigm is shifting in our collective psyche. Stale mentalities are starting to whither and rightfully die. Necessary for an evolving society. . Exhaustingly and hypocritically, we as a society look down at broad displays of the female form as it appears in the moment. On screen, completely accepted (pending the budget of such displays crosses a certain 7-figure total). And the male form, no issue there - the more muscles, the better. But the female form...this angle of the topic is still being strangled to death by the perspectives of generations before us. The old diatribe of “Pura pheno, log kya kehenge?!” [Cover up. What will people say?] is still muttered in every household. . We have the Sari - of the most enchanting styles of garment in the world. The midriff blouse, highlighting the soft curves of a woman’s figure, is revered. It’s traditional! Conservative, you can say! But a bikini - oh no...baring a woman’s legs AND her stomach...”oh no,...too much.” And don’t even think of insinuating toplessness! . Thankfully, this toxic mindset is being swept back to the sea of history like the 5pm high tide. People are catching wise to social codes once accepted without question. “Why did we need to cover up?” Because men get ideas! Because men start thinking dirty thoughts! Because boys only think about one thing! . So I have to stifle my expression, my creativity, my art, because others have a problem. No, enough. I’m done with that. And you should be too. . On the very walls of our beloved Khajuraho Temple, or extremely popular museums, hundreds of graphic sexual scenarios can be seen by young and old. It’s woven into our culture. Yet it’s acceptance goes only as far as the grounds it lays on, charging a nominal fee to catch a glimpse. Then we depart, back to the world of “how a good Indian daughter behaves.” . The female form is the most beautiful of God’s creation. It is the vehicle to create life itself. Its expression should be celebrated. Not covered up.” ❤️

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Had an amazing chat with @nude_yogagirl about her art and her campaign #nuedisnormal Her thoughts: We should have the freedom to decide about our own body... No one has the right to objectify, sexualise or shame a woman for being in their own skin. It's our natural state. Nudity can be artistic and so much more. ❤️ Is nudity only related to pornography in India nowadays? Is there freedom for women to wear what they want or be in their own skin as they wish? Without being judged for it? ❤️ I created #NUEDisnormal to fight against the objectification and sexualisation of women bodies in the digital world and outside of it. ❤️ . . I love your message and your courage @nude_yogagirl This photo is her art! To read my thoughts and see my photo visit and follow @nude_yogagirl . . #nuedisnormal #artisart #onelove

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आशका गोराडिया ने इस फोटो के साथ एक दमदार कैप्शन लिखकर न्यूड योगा को प्रमोट करते हुए ट्रोलर का मुंह बंद किया है। आशका ने इस मैसेज में इंडिया में महिलाओं को लेकर सेक्सुअलाइजेशन और ऑब्जेक्टेशन पर बात की है। उन्होंने महिलाओं के साड़ी और बिकनी पहनने को लेकर भी समाज से कुछ सवाल पूछे हैं साथ ही पुरुषों की मानसिकता पर सवाल किए हैं। पोस्ट में आशका ने खजुराहो मंदिर का भी उदाहरण दिया है। आशका गोराडिया ने इस पूरी पोस्ट में महिलाओं को भगवान की सबसे खूबसूरत क्रिएटिवी बताया है और अपनी बात को बखूबी रखा है।

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My many words may not be able to express how much I appreciate what @nude_yogagirl is doing. Many of You may not resonate with her insta handle but don’t we all know how attractive headlines and titles walk you towards what a person is trying to express, do we not know that judging a book by its cover is not the ultimate climax, so yeah! Nude and yoga might not have anything in common but it’s expression together may mean world to people who experience it, I was shy and scared and fearful of taking a shot that might make me feel liberated. Only because I kept thinking what others would think, my friend and also my photographer plus bodyguard in the moment @aashkagoradia said “Abby, let go off the fear of what others think, it won’t make you feel empowered.” Just in that moment I let go off, in my mind I knew there is no watching me but me, and just in that moment I had to let go, for me. Here’s my story what’s yours? #nuedisnormal ❤

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गौरलतब है कि आश्का गोराडिया से पहले टीवी ऐक्ट्रस एबिगेल पांडे ने भी अपनी न्यूड योग वाली तस्वीर शेयर की थी। एबिगेल की तस्वीर के फैन्स दीवाने हो गए। उन्होंने एबिगेल के बोल्ड डिसीजन की जमकर तारीफ की थी।

वैसे ये पहली बार नहीं है जब आशका योगासन करती दिखी हैं। आशका का इंस्‍टाग्राम अकाउंट योगा करते हुए कई सारी बोल्ड फोटोज से भरा हुआ है। बता दे, आशका ने दिसंबर 2017 में विदेशी बॉयफ्रेंड ब्रेंट ग्लोब से शादी की थी। आशका बिग बॉस के सीजन 6 का भी ह‍िस्‍सा रह चुकी हैं।

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